Wednesday 14 May 2014

Sunshine On A Rainy Day

The sun shone brightly today and Thomas and I went over to our allotment twice to whiz the strimmer round and to remove the vast quantities of Mare's Tail that seems to have sprung up. The allotment itself is shaping up quite nicely. We have lots of gooseberries, the strawberries are thriving, and the other soft fruit seems to be doing well too. We also have potatoes. Lots and lots of them even though we didn't actually plant any. Mind you, of the things we did plant precisely ONE pea has grown.

Things I have learnt about myself today: I definitely do not have green fingers.

But then the rain set in. Not real rain. Metaphorical rain. First came the news that Stephen Sutton had died. Amazing young man, who I am delighted to have known about and who I will endeavour to think of if ever I become self-absorbed and whingey.

Then came the news that Linzi Geddes had lost her fight against a very aggressive form of brain cancer. Linzi was Thomas's first child minder. She was amazing with him. She was fun and kind and she involved him in all aspects of her family life. This was really important to me. I've been on my own since before Thomas was even born and so he has never been a part of a standard family unit. I loved that he got to eat with a family and was a part of all the hustle and bustle of family life.

Linzi's family were all lovely to Thomas and my faith has been restored in men as I've watched Linzi's husband doing everything imaginable to try to help her. There's a man who is a true hero. He's devoted to his wife and he's now facing bringing up their three children alone.

So, someone up there seems to have taken two amazing people in just one day.

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